Friday, February 20, 2015

Writing Your Posts for Future Income

Why are you reading this post?

What attracted you to this post?

I hope it was the title, because that was my intention.

If I had titled this “Post Number 229, February 20, 2015” would you be reading it?  Maybe, because I just posted it, but only because it was new.

However, would “Post Number 229, February 20, 2015” catch your eye in 6 months?   I doubt it, but would “Writing Posts for Future Income” attract your eye today and still be relevant a year from now?  Two years from now?

When writing a post you’d like to be read in the future you need to attract the reader’s attention with the title not only today, but also in the future.  Therefore, if your intention is for the post or article to be read in the future, keep that in mind when you not only write the post, but when you decide on a title for it.  You want a title that will be timeless and will endure.

Now I’m not a writing genius but I do know that titles attract readers. If you don’t pay attention to your titles you can forget getting much in the way of readership and passive income, if you were hoping for that.  However, keep in mind that your title cannot be deceitful or the reader will quickly leave and you will never see them again.  For example, If I had titled this “10 Unique New Ways to Make a Sandwich” and then failed to deliver on those 10 new ways, you would fee lied to and would rightfully be upset with me.  I would also be upset, as I was looking forward to learning 10 new ways to make a sandwich.

So your titles must be truthful and deliver what you promise, but they can be jazzed up a little to attract attention.  Try using words that personalize, like “You” and “Your”.

Sometimes asking a question will attract readers, like, “Want your posts to attract readers next year?”

Keywords are always good to use in titles, but they must be used in a meaningful way or they will stand out as keywords.

There are also some words that always seem to attract attention.  Words like “Free”, “Stunning”, “Easy”, and who doesn't like to learn a “Secret”.

One of the latest attention grabbers are numbers like I used in “10 Unique New Ways to Make a Sandwich”.  You see numbers used quite lot now in post titles, almost to the point of over use.

I know I am not perfect, because I have my share of lame titles.  Titles that I did not put enough time or thought into.  However, I am trying to get better at it and help you to think about using your post title to attract future readers.  Take the selection of your title very seriously as it will be the standard bearer of your post for as long it exists on the internet.

So go forth and try to  “Titillate with Titles”.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Excellent advice. Makes sense. Thanks for the post.

  3. I must say I don't try hard enough with my titles. Thanks for posting.

  4. I LOVE intriguing titles! Yes, yours pulled me in:)

  5. Without a good title your blog post will be lost in the archives of internet forever! Nice post!

  6. thanks for the reminder, I do have to get more efficient when it comes to writing titles.
